Codes of Ethics and Conducts: is pleased to provide unique licensee agreements to interested parties. Our name says it all,
We value our name very highly as result we request our licensees to maintain high level of services and conduct. In order to provide a service that would bring back the customers over and over again., we have put together requirement that we expect all of technicians and companies to follow.
Affiliate Technician General Code of Ethics and Conducts The undersigned Technician acknowledges and agrees to adhere to the following Affiliate Technician General Code of Conduct at all times while on-site or on-premise while performing site surveys, installations, service calls or any other service or work order as assigned by and for LaptopSpecialist Services: • Dress Code – The Affiliate Technician shall, at all times while on-site or on-premise, wear business presentable clothing including acollared shirt, appropriate business workpants, socks and work shoes. The following are unacceptable and prohibited: torn pants, shorts of any kind, sandals, sneakers, t-shirts, and any inappropriately worded clothing of any kind. The Technician shall never wear clothing that displays information about any other businesses • Appropriate language – The Affiliate Technician shall, at all times while on-site or on-premise or in any form of written or oralcommunication, use appropriate language and gestures. Under no circumstances shall the Technician use off-color, profane, derogatory or inappropriate language or gestures. • Electronic devices – The Affiliate Technician shall, at all times while on-site or on-premise, use only those electronic devicesnecessary in the performance of assigned services. Under no circumstances shall the Technician use any musical device(s) while on-site or on-premise. • Cell phones – The Technician shall make every effort to minimize the use of the customer's phone system unless otherwisedirected. The Technician is required, at all times, to have an available cell phone. • Tools – The Affiliate Technician is required to have an assortment of standard hand tools, power tools, ladders, digital camera,laptop, and any other specific equipment as required in the Work Order or by tools list in Affiliate paperwork. • No smoking – The Affiliate Technician shall, at all times while on-site or on-premise, avoid smoking EXCEPT in areas officiallydesignated by the customer as smoking locations. • Loitering – The Affiliate Technician shall, at all times while on-site or on-premise, avoid loitering in any customer area.
• Job performance – The Affiliate Technician shall set up, perform and complete the job in a timely fashion with minimal but politecustomer interaction as necessary. • Noise – The Affiliate Technician shall, at all times while on-site or on-premise, avoid any unnecessary noise and at all times avoid,whenever possible, noise that may interfere with the performance of the day-to-day duties of any customer employee or 3rd party. • Hazards – The Affiliate Technician shall, at all times while on-site or on-premise, avoid any activity that may pose a hazard toanyone: Technician, customer, employee or other 3rd party. • Interference – The Affiliate Technician shall, at all times while on-site or on-premise, minimize any interference with customeremployees or personnel or any 3rd party. Technician: I, ___________________________________,with _______________________________(company name) acknowledge and accept the above Affiliate Technician General Code of Ethics and Conducts: Signature: Date:_______/________/_______
Agreement: Please read and sign Codes of Ethics & Conducts: Please read and sign
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